CDC hyperscale data centres now open in New Zealand
CDC Data Centres (CDC) says two new, state-of-the-art hyperscale data centres are now open for business in Auckland.
It says the largest and most secure centres of their type in New Zealand have been built specifically for national critical infrastructure providers and other organisations requiring the highest levels of security, 100% availability and rich connectivity.
CDC New Zealand managing director Andrew Kirker said the centres offer a significant step-change in New Zealand data centre operations, security, resilience and facilities.
"CDC continues to innovate and set the standard for world-class data centre services, supporting our clients' critical digital infrastructure for the long term," he says.
"We work very closely with our partners and customers to understand their needs now and into the future, and design and build centres that accommodate these very specific requirements.
CDC says the data centres are several times the size of existing data centres in the country and built to comply with the highest levels of government security accreditation and ensure Aotearoa's data sovereignty.
"These are New Zealand's first hyperscale data centres," says Kirker.
"The unique fit-for-purpose, 'building within a building' data centre design has the most modern and highest quality equipment and features. These include a powerful interconnected ecosystem, guaranteed 100% availability and comprehensive physical and procedural security.
Kirker says this will enable CDC's partners and customers to scale without limits and continue to move seamlessly and competitively to hybrid cloud operations.
"The strong interest we've received from the sector has been very pleasing and reflects the vital role hyperscale is and will continue to play in managing, securing and storing data," he says.
CDC has already welcomed a wide range of partners, including Vodafone New Zealand, Vector, Kordia and Feenix, who are among the first New Zealand network service providers to serve their customers' IT needs from within the new data centres.
CDC says the data centres have also set a new 'clean and green' benchmark, continuing its long-standing and deep commitment to sustainability.
"From our first day of operation, Silverdale and Hobsonville will be powered from 100% renewable and carboNZero certified electricity," says Kirker.
"We are very proud to be the first and only data centre provider in New Zealand to make this standard to our partners and customers who value sustainability as much as we do. Our innovative closed-loop cooling system means we operate with almost zero water consumption for cooling, ensuring vital water resources are available to the community.
Kirker says CDC can't wait to welcome its partners and customers to CDC Data Centres' world-leading campuses.